
  1import os
  2import re
  3from string import ascii_lowercase
  4from typing import (
  6    Callable,
  7    List,
  8    Tuple,
  9    Union,
 10    Dict,
 11    Type,
 12    Iterable,
 13    Optional,
 16import gin
 17import matplotlib
 18import numpy as np
 19import seaborn as sns
 20from adjustText import adjust_text
 21from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
 22from tqdm import tqdm
 24from colosseum import config
 25from colosseum.analysis.tables import get_latex_table_of_average_indicator
 26from colosseum.analysis.utils import get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names
 27from colosseum.analysis.utils import get_formatted_name
 28from colosseum.analysis.utils import get_logs_data, add_time_exceed_sign_to_plot
 29from colosseum.experiment.agent_mdp_interaction import MDPLoop
 30from colosseum.experiment.folder_structuring import get_experiment_config
 31from colosseum.experiment.folder_structuring import get_mdp_agent_gin_configs
 32from colosseum.experiment.utils import apply_gin_config
 33from colosseum.hardness.analysis import compute_hardness_measure
 34from colosseum.utils import ensure_folder
 35from colosseum.utils.formatter import clear_agent_mdp_class_name
 38    from colosseum.mdp import BaseMDP
 39    from matplotlib.figure import Figure
 44def _get_index(x):
 45    return clear_agent_mdp_class_name(x[0].__name__), x[1]
 48def agent_performances_per_mdp_plot(
 49    experiment_folder: str,
 50    indicator: str,
 51    figsize_scale: int = 8,
 52    standard_error: bool = False,
 53    color_palette: List[str] = matplotlib.colors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys(),
 54    n_rows=None,
 55    savefig_folder=None,
 56    baselines=MDPLoop.get_baselines(),
 57) -> "Figure":
 58    """
 59    produces a plot in which the performance indicator of the agents is shown for each MDP for the given experiment
 60    results.
 62    Parameters
 63    ----------
 64    experiment_folder : str
 65        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
 66    indicator : str
 67        The code name of the performance indicator that will be shown in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_indicators()` to
 68        get a list of the available indicators.
 69    figsize_scale : int
 70        The scale for size of the figure in the resulting plot. The default value is 8.
 71    standard_error : bool
 72        If True standard errors are computed instead of the bootstrapping estimates in seaborn.
 73    color_palette : List[str]
 74        The colors to be assigned to the agents. By default, the tableau colors are used.
 75    n_rows : int
 76        The number of rows for the grid of plots. By default, it is computed to create a square grid.
 77    savefig_folder : str
 78        The folder where the figure will be saved. By default, the figure it is not saved.
 79    baselines : List[str]
 80        The baselines to be included in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_baselines()` to get a list of the available
 81        baselines. By default, all baselines are shown.
 83    Returns
 84    -------
 85    Figure
 86        The matplotlib figure.
 87    """
 89    # Check the inputs
 90    assert (
 91        indicator in MDPLoop.get_indicators()
 92    ), f"Please check that the indicator given in input is one from {MDPLoop.get_indicators()}."
 93    assert all(
 94        b in MDPLoop.get_baselines() for b in baselines
 95    ), f"Please check that the baselines given in input are available."
 97    # Retrieve the MDPs and agents configurations from the experiment folder
 98    available_mdps, available_agents = get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names(
 99        experiment_folder
100    )
102    # Variables for the plots
103    colors_dict_agents = dict(zip(available_agents, color_palette))
104    n_plots = len(available_mdps)
105    h = int(np.ceil(n_plots ** 0.5)) if n_rows is None else n_rows
106    w = int(np.ceil(n_plots / h))
107    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
108        h,
109        w,
110        figsize=(w * figsize_scale, h * figsize_scale),
111        sharex=True,
112        # If the indicator is normalized we can also share the indicator axis
113        sharey="normaliz" in indicator,
114    )
115    if config.VERBOSE_LEVEL != 0:
116        available_mdps = tqdm(
117            sorted(available_mdps, key=lambda x: "".join(x)),
118            desc="Plotting the results",
119        )
120    else:
121        available_mdps = sorted(available_mdps, key=lambda x: "".join(x))
123    for i, available_mdp in enumerate(available_mdps):
124        ax = axes.ravel()[i]
125        mdp_formatted_name = get_formatted_name(*available_mdp)
126        group_by_mdp_individual_plot(
127            experiment_folder,
128            ax,
129            indicator,
130            *available_mdp,
131            available_agents,
132            colors_dict_agents,
133            standard_error=standard_error,
134            baselines=baselines,
135        )
136        ax.set_title(mdp_formatted_name)
137        ax.legend()
138        ax.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(0, 4))
140    # Remove unused axes
141    for j in range(i + 1, len(axes.ravel())):
142        fig.delaxes(axes.ravel()[j])
144    # Last touches
145    plt.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(0, 4))
146    plt.tight_layout()
148    if savefig_folder is not None:
149        os.makedirs(savefig_folder, exist_ok=True)
150        exp_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(ensure_folder(experiment_folder)))
151        plt.savefig(
152            f"{ensure_folder(savefig_folder)}{indicator}-for-{exp_name}.pdf",
153            bbox_inches="tight",
154        )
158    return fig
161def get_hardness_measures_from_experiment_folder(
162    experiment_folder: str,
163    hardness_measures: Iterable[str] = ("diameter", "value_norm", "suboptimal_gaps"),
164    reduce_seed: Callable[[List[float]], float] = np.mean,
165) -> Dict[Tuple[Type["BaseMDP"], str], Dict[str, float]]:
166    """
167    retrieves the given measures of hardness for each mdp and mdp gin config in the experiment folder.
169    Parameters
170    ----------
171    experiment_folder : str
172        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
173    hardness_measures : Iterable[str]
174        The list containing the measures of hardness to compute.
175    reduce_seed : Callable[[List[float]], float], optional
176        The function that reduces the values of the measures for different seed to a single scalar. By default, the
177        mean function is employed.
179    Returns
180    -------
181    Dict[Tuple[Type["BaseMDP"], str], Dict[str, float]]
182        The dictionary that assigns to each MDP class and gin config index the corresponding dictionary containing the
183        hardness measures names and values.
184    """
186    # Retrieve the gin configurations of the agents and MDPs
187    (
188        mdp_classes_scopes,
189        agent_classes_scopes,
190        gin_config_files_paths,
191    ) = get_mdp_agent_gin_configs(experiment_folder)
193    # Retrieve the number of seeds
194    n_seeds = get_experiment_config(experiment_folder).n_seeds
196    res = dict()
197    for mdp_class, mdp_scopes in tqdm(
198        mdp_classes_scopes.items(), desc=os.path.basename(experiment_folder)
199    ):
200        for mdp_scope in mdp_scopes:
201            apply_gin_config(gin_config_files_paths)
202            with gin.config_scope(mdp_scope):
203                res[mdp_class, mdp_scope] = {
204                    hm: reduce_seed(
205                        [
206                            compute_hardness_measure(mdp_class, dict(seed=seed), hm)
207                            for seed in range(n_seeds)
208                        ]
209                    )
210                    for hm in hardness_measures
211                }
212    return res
215def plot_labels_on_benchmarks_hardness_space(
216    experiment_folder: str,
217    text_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str],
218    color_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], Union[str, None]] = lambda x: None,
219    label_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], Union[str, None]] = lambda x: None,
220    ax: plt.Axes = None,
221    multiplicative_factor_xlim=1.0,
222    multiplicative_factor_ylim=1.0,
223    legend_ncol=1,
224    underneath_x_label: str = None,
225    set_ylabel=True,
226    set_legend=True,
227    xaxis_measure: Union[str, Tuple[str, Callable[["BaseMDP"], float]]] = "diameter",
228    yaxis_measure: Union[str, Tuple[str, Callable[["BaseMDP"], float]]] = "value_norm",
229    fontsize: int = 22,
230    fontsize_xlabel_underneath: int = 32,
231    text_label_fontsize=16,
233    """
234    for each agent configuration in the experiment folder, it produces a plot such that it is possible to place a text
235    label in the position corresponding to the value of the x-axis measure and indicator-axis measure. In addition to the text,
236    it is also possible choose the color assigned to the point in such position.
238    Parameters
239    ----------
240    experiment_folder : str
241        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
242    text_f : Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]
243        The function that returns a text label for a given MDP class name and gin config index. For example,
244        ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSeaEpisodic (0)".
245    color_f : Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]
246        The function that returns the color for the point in the position corresponding to a given MDP class name and
247        gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSeaEpisodic (0)". By default, no particular
248        color is specified.
249    label_f : Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]
250        The function that returns the label to be put in the legend for the point in the position corresponding to a
251        given MDP class name and gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSea family".
252        By default, the legend is not included in the plot.
253    ax : plt.Axes
254        The ax object where the plot will be put. By default, a new axis is created.
255    multiplicative_factor_xlim : float
256        The additional space to add on the right side of the figure. It can be useful to add space for the legend. By
257        default, it is set to one.
258    multiplicative_factor_ylim : float
259        The additional space to add on the top side of the figure. It can be useful to add space for the legend. By
260        default, it is set to one.
261    legend_ncol : int
262        The number of columns in the legend. By default, it is set to one.
263    underneath_x_label : str
264        Text to be added underneath the x_label. By default, no text is added.
265    set_ylabel : bool
266        If True, the indicator-label is set to the name of the indicator-axis measure. By default, the indicator-label is set.
267    set_legend : bool
268        If True, the legend is set. By default, the legend is set.
269    xaxis_measure : str
270        The code name of the hardness measures available in the package. Check `BaseMDP.get_available_hardness_measures()`
271        to get to know the available ones. By default, it is set to the diameter.
272    yaxis_measure : str
273        The code name of the hardness measures available in the package. Check `BaseMDP.get_available_hardness_measures()`.
274        to get to know the available ones. By default, it is set to the value norm.
275    fontsize : int
276        The font size for x and indicator labels. By default, it is set to :math:`22`.
277    fontsize_xlabel_underneath :
278        The font size for the text below the x label. By default, it is set to :math:`32`.
279    text_label_fontsize : int
280        The font size for the text labels of the points. By default, it is set to :math:`16`.
281    """
283    show = ax is None
284    if ax is None:
285        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8))
286        set_ylabel = True
288    hardness_measures = get_hardness_measures_from_experiment_folder(
289        experiment_folder, (xaxis_measure, yaxis_measure)
290    )
291    texts = []
292    for k, r in hardness_measures.items():
293        texts.append(
294            ax.text(
295                r[xaxis_measure],
296                r[yaxis_measure],
297                text_f(k),
298                fontdict=dict(fontsize=text_label_fontsize),
299            )
300        )
301        ax.scatter(
302            r[xaxis_measure],
303            r[yaxis_measure],
304            500,
305            color=color_f(k),
306            label=label_f(k),
307            edgecolor="black",
308            linewidths=0.5,
309        )
311    ax.tick_params(labelsize=22)
312    if set_ylabel:
313        ax.set_ylabel(
314            yaxis_measure.capitalize().replace("_", " "),
315            fontdict=dict(fontsize=fontsize),
316            labelpad=10,
317        )
318    ax.set_xlabel(
319        xaxis_measure.capitalize().replace("_", " "),
320        fontdict=dict(fontsize=fontsize),
321        labelpad=15,
322        ha="center",
323    )
325    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
326    ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1] * multiplicative_factor_xlim)
327    ylim = ax.get_ylim()
328    ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1] * multiplicative_factor_ylim)
330    if type(underneath_x_label) == str:
331        ax.text(
332            np.mean(ax.get_xlim()),
333            ylim[0] - 0.28 * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]),
334            underneath_x_label,
335            fontdict=dict(fontsize=fontsize_xlabel_underneath),
336            ha="center",
337        )
339    if set_legend:
340        h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
341        if h:
342            ax.legend(ncol=legend_ncol)
344    plt.tight_layout()
345    adjust_text(
346        texts,
347        ax=ax,
348        expand_text=(1.05, 1.8),
349        expand_points=(1.05, 1.5),
350        only_move={"points": "indicator", "text": "xy"},
351        precision=0.0001,
352        lim=1000,
353    )
355    if show:
356        plt.tight_layout()
360def plot_indicator_in_hardness_space(
361    experiment_folder: str,
362    indicator: str = "normalized_cumulative_regret",
363    fontsize: int = 22,
364    cmap: str = "Reds",
365    fig_size=8,
366    text_label_fontsize=14,
367    savefig_folder: Optional[str] = "tmp",
368) -> "Figure":
369    """
370    for each agent config, it produces a plot that places the given indicator obtained by the agent config for each MDP
371    config in the position corresponding to the diameter and value norm of the MDP.
373    Parameters
374    ----------
375    experiment_folder : str
376        The path of the directory containing the experiment results.
377    indicator : str
378        is a string representing the performance indicator that is shown in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_indicators()`
379        to get a list of the available indicators. By default, the 'normalized_cumulative_regret' is used.
380    fontsize : int
381        The font size for x and indicator labels. By default, it is set to :math:`22`.
382    cmap : str
383        The code name for the color map to be used when plotting the indicator values. By default,
384        the 'Reds' color map is used.
385    fig_size : int
386        The size of the figures in the grid of plots. By default, it is set to :math:`8`.
387    text_label_fontsize : int
388        The font size for the text labels of the points. By default, it is set to :math:`14`.
389    savefig_folder : str
390        The folder where the figure will be saved. By default, the figure it is saved in a local folder with name 'tmp'.
391        If the directory does not exist, it is created.
393    Returns
394    -------
395    Figure
396        The matplotlib figure.
397    """
399    color_map =
400    _, df = get_latex_table_of_average_indicator(
401        experiment_folder,
402        indicator,
403        show_prm=True,
404        return_table=True,
405        mdps_on_row=False,
406    )
407    df_numerical = df.applymap(lambda s: float(re.findall("\d+\.\d+", s)[0]))
408    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
409        1, len(df.index), figsize=(len(df.index) * fig_size + 1, fig_size), sharey=True
410    )
411    if len(df.index) == 1:
412        axes = np.array([axes])
413    for i, (a, ax) in enumerate(zip(df.index, axes.tolist())):
414        plot_labels_on_benchmarks_hardness_space(
415            experiment_folder,
416            label_f=lambda x: None,
417            color_f=lambda x: color_map(
418                df_numerical.loc[a, _get_index(x)] / df_numerical.loc[a].max()
419            ),
420            text_f=lambda x: f"{_get_index(x)[0].replace('MiniGrid', 'MG-')} "
421            f"({(_get_index(x)[1].replace('prms_', ''))})",
422            # text_f=lambda x: "",
423            ax=ax,
424            fontsize=fontsize,
425            text_label_fontsize=text_label_fontsize,
426            underneath_x_label=f"({ascii_lowercase[i]}) {a[0]}",
427        )
428        # ax.set_title(
429        #     f"({ascii_lowercase[i]}) {a[0]}",
430        #     fontdict=dict(legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize + 4),
431        #     indicator=-0.28,
432        # )
434    plt.tight_layout()
436    if savefig_folder is not None:
437        os.makedirs(savefig_folder, exist_ok=True)
438        exp_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(ensure_folder(experiment_folder)))
439        plt.savefig(
440            f"{ensure_folder(savefig_folder)}{indicator}_in_hard_space_{exp_name}.pdf",
441            bbox_inches="tight",
442        )
445    return fig
448def group_by_mdp_individual_plot(
449    experiment_folder: str,
450    ax,
451    measure: str,
452    mdp_class_name: str,
453    mdp_prms: str,
454    available_agents: List[Tuple[str, str]],
455    colors_dict_agents: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str],
456    standard_error: bool = False,
457    baselines=MDPLoop.get_baselines(),
459    """
460    plots the measure for the given agents and experiment fold in the given axes.
462    Parameters
463    ----------
464    experiment_folder : str
465        is the folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
466    ax : plt.Axes
467        is where the plot will be shown.
468    measure : str
469        is a string representing the performance measure that is shown in the plot. Check
470        MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators.
471    mdp_prms : str
472        is a string that contains the mdp parameter gin config parameter, i.e. 'prms_0'.
473    mdp_class_name : str
474        is a string that contains the mdp class name.
475    available_agents : List[Tuple[str, str]]
476        is a list containing the agent gin config parameters and the agent class names.
477    colors_dict_agents : Dict[Tuple[str, str], str]
478        is a dict that assign to each agent gin config parameter and agent class name a different color.
479    """
480    mdp_code = mdp_prms + config.EXPERIMENT_SEPARATOR_PRMS + mdp_class_name
482    for available_agent in available_agents:
483        agent_code = (
484            available_agent[1] + config.EXPERIMENT_SEPARATOR_PRMS + available_agent[0]
485        )
486        agent_formatted_name = get_formatted_name(*available_agent)
487        df, n_seeds = get_logs_data(
488            experiment_folder, mdp_class_name, mdp_prms, *available_agent
489        )
491        for b in baselines:
492            y = measure.replace("cumulative_reward", "cumulative_expected_reward")
493            if b + "_" + y in MDPLoop.get_baseline_indicators():
494                sns.lineplot(
495                    x="steps",
496                    y=b + "_" + y,
497                    label=b.capitalize() + " agent",
498                    data=df,
499                    ax=ax,
500                    errorbar=None,
501                    color=MDPLoop.get_baselines_color_dict()[b],
502                    linestyle=MDPLoop.get_baselines_style_dict()[b],
503                    linewidth=2,
504                )
506        # We plot the baselines only once
507        baselines = []
509        add_time_exceed_sign_to_plot(
510            ax,
511            df,
512            colors_dict_agents[available_agent],
513            measure,
514            n_seeds,
515            experiment_folder,
516            mdp_code,
517            agent_code,
518        )
519        sns_ax = sns.lineplot(
520            x="steps",
521            y=measure,
522            label=agent_formatted_name,
523            data=df,
524            ax=ax,
525            errorbar="se" if standard_error else ("ci", 95),
526            color=colors_dict_agents[available_agent],
527        )
528        sns_ax.set_ylabel(" ".join(map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), measure.split("_"))))
def agent_performances_per_mdp_plot( experiment_folder: str, indicator: str, figsize_scale: int = 8, standard_error: bool = False, color_palette: List[str] = dict_keys(['tab:blue', 'tab:orange', 'tab:green', 'tab:red', 'tab:purple', 'tab:brown', 'tab:pink', 'tab:gray', 'tab:olive', 'tab:cyan']), n_rows=None, savefig_folder=None, baselines={'random', 'optimal', 'worst'}) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure:
 49def agent_performances_per_mdp_plot(
 50    experiment_folder: str,
 51    indicator: str,
 52    figsize_scale: int = 8,
 53    standard_error: bool = False,
 54    color_palette: List[str] = matplotlib.colors.TABLEAU_COLORS.keys(),
 55    n_rows=None,
 56    savefig_folder=None,
 57    baselines=MDPLoop.get_baselines(),
 58) -> "Figure":
 59    """
 60    produces a plot in which the performance indicator of the agents is shown for each MDP for the given experiment
 61    results.
 63    Parameters
 64    ----------
 65    experiment_folder : str
 66        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
 67    indicator : str
 68        The code name of the performance indicator that will be shown in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_indicators()` to
 69        get a list of the available indicators.
 70    figsize_scale : int
 71        The scale for size of the figure in the resulting plot. The default value is 8.
 72    standard_error : bool
 73        If True standard errors are computed instead of the bootstrapping estimates in seaborn.
 74    color_palette : List[str]
 75        The colors to be assigned to the agents. By default, the tableau colors are used.
 76    n_rows : int
 77        The number of rows for the grid of plots. By default, it is computed to create a square grid.
 78    savefig_folder : str
 79        The folder where the figure will be saved. By default, the figure it is not saved.
 80    baselines : List[str]
 81        The baselines to be included in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_baselines()` to get a list of the available
 82        baselines. By default, all baselines are shown.
 84    Returns
 85    -------
 86    Figure
 87        The matplotlib figure.
 88    """
 90    # Check the inputs
 91    assert (
 92        indicator in MDPLoop.get_indicators()
 93    ), f"Please check that the indicator given in input is one from {MDPLoop.get_indicators()}."
 94    assert all(
 95        b in MDPLoop.get_baselines() for b in baselines
 96    ), f"Please check that the baselines given in input are available."
 98    # Retrieve the MDPs and agents configurations from the experiment folder
 99    available_mdps, available_agents = get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names(
100        experiment_folder
101    )
103    # Variables for the plots
104    colors_dict_agents = dict(zip(available_agents, color_palette))
105    n_plots = len(available_mdps)
106    h = int(np.ceil(n_plots ** 0.5)) if n_rows is None else n_rows
107    w = int(np.ceil(n_plots / h))
108    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
109        h,
110        w,
111        figsize=(w * figsize_scale, h * figsize_scale),
112        sharex=True,
113        # If the indicator is normalized we can also share the indicator axis
114        sharey="normaliz" in indicator,
115    )
116    if config.VERBOSE_LEVEL != 0:
117        available_mdps = tqdm(
118            sorted(available_mdps, key=lambda x: "".join(x)),
119            desc="Plotting the results",
120        )
121    else:
122        available_mdps = sorted(available_mdps, key=lambda x: "".join(x))
124    for i, available_mdp in enumerate(available_mdps):
125        ax = axes.ravel()[i]
126        mdp_formatted_name = get_formatted_name(*available_mdp)
127        group_by_mdp_individual_plot(
128            experiment_folder,
129            ax,
130            indicator,
131            *available_mdp,
132            available_agents,
133            colors_dict_agents,
134            standard_error=standard_error,
135            baselines=baselines,
136        )
137        ax.set_title(mdp_formatted_name)
138        ax.legend()
139        ax.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(0, 4))
141    # Remove unused axes
142    for j in range(i + 1, len(axes.ravel())):
143        fig.delaxes(axes.ravel()[j])
145    # Last touches
146    plt.ticklabel_format(style="sci", scilimits=(0, 4))
147    plt.tight_layout()
149    if savefig_folder is not None:
150        os.makedirs(savefig_folder, exist_ok=True)
151        exp_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(ensure_folder(experiment_folder)))
152        plt.savefig(
153            f"{ensure_folder(savefig_folder)}{indicator}-for-{exp_name}.pdf",
154            bbox_inches="tight",
155        )
159    return fig

produces a plot in which the performance indicator of the agents is shown for each MDP for the given experiment results.

  • experiment_folder (str): The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
  • indicator (str): The code name of the performance indicator that will be shown in the plot. Check MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators.
  • figsize_scale (int): The scale for size of the figure in the resulting plot. The default value is 8.
  • standard_error (bool): If True standard errors are computed instead of the bootstrapping estimates in seaborn.
  • color_palette (List[str]): The colors to be assigned to the agents. By default, the tableau colors are used.
  • n_rows (int): The number of rows for the grid of plots. By default, it is computed to create a square grid.
  • savefig_folder (str): The folder where the figure will be saved. By default, the figure it is not saved.
  • baselines (List[str]): The baselines to be included in the plot. Check MDPLoop.get_baselines() to get a list of the available baselines. By default, all baselines are shown.
  • Figure: The matplotlib figure.
def get_hardness_measures_from_experiment_folder( experiment_folder: str, hardness_measures: Iterable[str] = ('diameter', 'value_norm', 'suboptimal_gaps'), reduce_seed: Callable[[List[float]], float] = <function mean>) -> Dict[Tuple[Type[colosseum.mdp.base.BaseMDP], str], Dict[str, float]]:
162def get_hardness_measures_from_experiment_folder(
163    experiment_folder: str,
164    hardness_measures: Iterable[str] = ("diameter", "value_norm", "suboptimal_gaps"),
165    reduce_seed: Callable[[List[float]], float] = np.mean,
166) -> Dict[Tuple[Type["BaseMDP"], str], Dict[str, float]]:
167    """
168    retrieves the given measures of hardness for each mdp and mdp gin config in the experiment folder.
170    Parameters
171    ----------
172    experiment_folder : str
173        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
174    hardness_measures : Iterable[str]
175        The list containing the measures of hardness to compute.
176    reduce_seed : Callable[[List[float]], float], optional
177        The function that reduces the values of the measures for different seed to a single scalar. By default, the
178        mean function is employed.
180    Returns
181    -------
182    Dict[Tuple[Type["BaseMDP"], str], Dict[str, float]]
183        The dictionary that assigns to each MDP class and gin config index the corresponding dictionary containing the
184        hardness measures names and values.
185    """
187    # Retrieve the gin configurations of the agents and MDPs
188    (
189        mdp_classes_scopes,
190        agent_classes_scopes,
191        gin_config_files_paths,
192    ) = get_mdp_agent_gin_configs(experiment_folder)
194    # Retrieve the number of seeds
195    n_seeds = get_experiment_config(experiment_folder).n_seeds
197    res = dict()
198    for mdp_class, mdp_scopes in tqdm(
199        mdp_classes_scopes.items(), desc=os.path.basename(experiment_folder)
200    ):
201        for mdp_scope in mdp_scopes:
202            apply_gin_config(gin_config_files_paths)
203            with gin.config_scope(mdp_scope):
204                res[mdp_class, mdp_scope] = {
205                    hm: reduce_seed(
206                        [
207                            compute_hardness_measure(mdp_class, dict(seed=seed), hm)
208                            for seed in range(n_seeds)
209                        ]
210                    )
211                    for hm in hardness_measures
212                }
213    return res

retrieves the given measures of hardness for each mdp and mdp gin config in the experiment folder.

  • experiment_folder (str): The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
  • hardness_measures (Iterable[str]): The list containing the measures of hardness to compute.
  • reduce_seed (Callable[[List[float]], float], optional): The function that reduces the values of the measures for different seed to a single scalar. By default, the mean function is employed.
  • Dict[Tuple[Type["BaseMDP"], str], Dict[str, float]]: The dictionary that assigns to each MDP class and gin config index the corresponding dictionary containing the hardness measures names and values.
def plot_labels_on_benchmarks_hardness_space( experiment_folder: str, text_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str], color_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], Optional[str]] = <function <lambda>>, label_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], Optional[str]] = <function <lambda>>, ax: matplotlib.axes._axes.Axes = None, multiplicative_factor_xlim=1.0, multiplicative_factor_ylim=1.0, legend_ncol=1, underneath_x_label: str = None, set_ylabel=True, set_legend=True, xaxis_measure: Union[str, Tuple[str, Callable[[colosseum.mdp.base.BaseMDP], float]]] = 'diameter', yaxis_measure: Union[str, Tuple[str, Callable[[colosseum.mdp.base.BaseMDP], float]]] = 'value_norm', fontsize: int = 22, fontsize_xlabel_underneath: int = 32, text_label_fontsize=16):
216def plot_labels_on_benchmarks_hardness_space(
217    experiment_folder: str,
218    text_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str],
219    color_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], Union[str, None]] = lambda x: None,
220    label_f: Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], Union[str, None]] = lambda x: None,
221    ax: plt.Axes = None,
222    multiplicative_factor_xlim=1.0,
223    multiplicative_factor_ylim=1.0,
224    legend_ncol=1,
225    underneath_x_label: str = None,
226    set_ylabel=True,
227    set_legend=True,
228    xaxis_measure: Union[str, Tuple[str, Callable[["BaseMDP"], float]]] = "diameter",
229    yaxis_measure: Union[str, Tuple[str, Callable[["BaseMDP"], float]]] = "value_norm",
230    fontsize: int = 22,
231    fontsize_xlabel_underneath: int = 32,
232    text_label_fontsize=16,
234    """
235    for each agent configuration in the experiment folder, it produces a plot such that it is possible to place a text
236    label in the position corresponding to the value of the x-axis measure and indicator-axis measure. In addition to the text,
237    it is also possible choose the color assigned to the point in such position.
239    Parameters
240    ----------
241    experiment_folder : str
242        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
243    text_f : Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]
244        The function that returns a text label for a given MDP class name and gin config index. For example,
245        ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSeaEpisodic (0)".
246    color_f : Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]
247        The function that returns the color for the point in the position corresponding to a given MDP class name and
248        gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSeaEpisodic (0)". By default, no particular
249        color is specified.
250    label_f : Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]
251        The function that returns the label to be put in the legend for the point in the position corresponding to a
252        given MDP class name and gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSea family".
253        By default, the legend is not included in the plot.
254    ax : plt.Axes
255        The ax object where the plot will be put. By default, a new axis is created.
256    multiplicative_factor_xlim : float
257        The additional space to add on the right side of the figure. It can be useful to add space for the legend. By
258        default, it is set to one.
259    multiplicative_factor_ylim : float
260        The additional space to add on the top side of the figure. It can be useful to add space for the legend. By
261        default, it is set to one.
262    legend_ncol : int
263        The number of columns in the legend. By default, it is set to one.
264    underneath_x_label : str
265        Text to be added underneath the x_label. By default, no text is added.
266    set_ylabel : bool
267        If True, the indicator-label is set to the name of the indicator-axis measure. By default, the indicator-label is set.
268    set_legend : bool
269        If True, the legend is set. By default, the legend is set.
270    xaxis_measure : str
271        The code name of the hardness measures available in the package. Check `BaseMDP.get_available_hardness_measures()`
272        to get to know the available ones. By default, it is set to the diameter.
273    yaxis_measure : str
274        The code name of the hardness measures available in the package. Check `BaseMDP.get_available_hardness_measures()`.
275        to get to know the available ones. By default, it is set to the value norm.
276    fontsize : int
277        The font size for x and indicator labels. By default, it is set to :math:`22`.
278    fontsize_xlabel_underneath :
279        The font size for the text below the x label. By default, it is set to :math:`32`.
280    text_label_fontsize : int
281        The font size for the text labels of the points. By default, it is set to :math:`16`.
282    """
284    show = ax is None
285    if ax is None:
286        fig, ax = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=(8, 8))
287        set_ylabel = True
289    hardness_measures = get_hardness_measures_from_experiment_folder(
290        experiment_folder, (xaxis_measure, yaxis_measure)
291    )
292    texts = []
293    for k, r in hardness_measures.items():
294        texts.append(
295            ax.text(
296                r[xaxis_measure],
297                r[yaxis_measure],
298                text_f(k),
299                fontdict=dict(fontsize=text_label_fontsize),
300            )
301        )
302        ax.scatter(
303            r[xaxis_measure],
304            r[yaxis_measure],
305            500,
306            color=color_f(k),
307            label=label_f(k),
308            edgecolor="black",
309            linewidths=0.5,
310        )
312    ax.tick_params(labelsize=22)
313    if set_ylabel:
314        ax.set_ylabel(
315            yaxis_measure.capitalize().replace("_", " "),
316            fontdict=dict(fontsize=fontsize),
317            labelpad=10,
318        )
319    ax.set_xlabel(
320        xaxis_measure.capitalize().replace("_", " "),
321        fontdict=dict(fontsize=fontsize),
322        labelpad=15,
323        ha="center",
324    )
326    xlim = ax.get_xlim()
327    ax.set_xlim(xlim[0], xlim[1] * multiplicative_factor_xlim)
328    ylim = ax.get_ylim()
329    ax.set_ylim(ylim[0], ylim[1] * multiplicative_factor_ylim)
331    if type(underneath_x_label) == str:
332        ax.text(
333            np.mean(ax.get_xlim()),
334            ylim[0] - 0.28 * (ylim[1] - ylim[0]),
335            underneath_x_label,
336            fontdict=dict(fontsize=fontsize_xlabel_underneath),
337            ha="center",
338        )
340    if set_legend:
341        h, l = ax.get_legend_handles_labels()
342        if h:
343            ax.legend(ncol=legend_ncol)
345    plt.tight_layout()
346    adjust_text(
347        texts,
348        ax=ax,
349        expand_text=(1.05, 1.8),
350        expand_points=(1.05, 1.5),
351        only_move={"points": "indicator", "text": "xy"},
352        precision=0.0001,
353        lim=1000,
354    )
356    if show:
357        plt.tight_layout()

for each agent configuration in the experiment folder, it produces a plot such that it is possible to place a text label in the position corresponding to the value of the x-axis measure and indicator-axis measure. In addition to the text, it is also possible choose the color assigned to the point in such position.

  • experiment_folder (str): The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
  • text_f (Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]): The function that returns a text label for a given MDP class name and gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSeaEpisodic (0)".
  • color_f (Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]): The function that returns the color for the point in the position corresponding to a given MDP class name and gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSeaEpisodic (0)". By default, no particular color is specified.
  • label_f (Callable[[Tuple[str, str]], str]): The function that returns the label to be put in the legend for the point in the position corresponding to a given MDP class name and gin config index. For example, ('DeepSeaEpisodic', 'prms_0') -> "DeepSea family". By default, the legend is not included in the plot.
  • ax (plt.Axes): The ax object where the plot will be put. By default, a new axis is created.
  • multiplicative_factor_xlim (float): The additional space to add on the right side of the figure. It can be useful to add space for the legend. By default, it is set to one.
  • multiplicative_factor_ylim (float): The additional space to add on the top side of the figure. It can be useful to add space for the legend. By default, it is set to one.
  • legend_ncol (int): The number of columns in the legend. By default, it is set to one.
  • underneath_x_label (str): Text to be added underneath the x_label. By default, no text is added.
  • set_ylabel (bool): If True, the indicator-label is set to the name of the indicator-axis measure. By default, the indicator-label is set.
  • set_legend (bool): If True, the legend is set. By default, the legend is set.
  • xaxis_measure (str): The code name of the hardness measures available in the package. Check BaseMDP.get_available_hardness_measures() to get to know the available ones. By default, it is set to the diameter.
  • yaxis_measure (str): The code name of the hardness measures available in the package. Check BaseMDP.get_available_hardness_measures(). to get to know the available ones. By default, it is set to the value norm.
  • fontsize (int): The font size for x and indicator labels. By default, it is set to \( 22 \).
  • fontsize_xlabel_underneath :: The font size for the text below the x label. By default, it is set to \( 32 \).
  • text_label_fontsize (int): The font size for the text labels of the points. By default, it is set to \( 16 \).
def plot_indicator_in_hardness_space( experiment_folder: str, indicator: str = 'normalized_cumulative_regret', fontsize: int = 22, cmap: str = 'Reds', fig_size=8, text_label_fontsize=14, savefig_folder: Optional[str] = 'tmp') -> matplotlib.figure.Figure:
361def plot_indicator_in_hardness_space(
362    experiment_folder: str,
363    indicator: str = "normalized_cumulative_regret",
364    fontsize: int = 22,
365    cmap: str = "Reds",
366    fig_size=8,
367    text_label_fontsize=14,
368    savefig_folder: Optional[str] = "tmp",
369) -> "Figure":
370    """
371    for each agent config, it produces a plot that places the given indicator obtained by the agent config for each MDP
372    config in the position corresponding to the diameter and value norm of the MDP.
374    Parameters
375    ----------
376    experiment_folder : str
377        The path of the directory containing the experiment results.
378    indicator : str
379        is a string representing the performance indicator that is shown in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_indicators()`
380        to get a list of the available indicators. By default, the 'normalized_cumulative_regret' is used.
381    fontsize : int
382        The font size for x and indicator labels. By default, it is set to :math:`22`.
383    cmap : str
384        The code name for the color map to be used when plotting the indicator values. By default,
385        the 'Reds' color map is used.
386    fig_size : int
387        The size of the figures in the grid of plots. By default, it is set to :math:`8`.
388    text_label_fontsize : int
389        The font size for the text labels of the points. By default, it is set to :math:`14`.
390    savefig_folder : str
391        The folder where the figure will be saved. By default, the figure it is saved in a local folder with name 'tmp'.
392        If the directory does not exist, it is created.
394    Returns
395    -------
396    Figure
397        The matplotlib figure.
398    """
400    color_map =
401    _, df = get_latex_table_of_average_indicator(
402        experiment_folder,
403        indicator,
404        show_prm=True,
405        return_table=True,
406        mdps_on_row=False,
407    )
408    df_numerical = df.applymap(lambda s: float(re.findall("\d+\.\d+", s)[0]))
409    fig, axes = plt.subplots(
410        1, len(df.index), figsize=(len(df.index) * fig_size + 1, fig_size), sharey=True
411    )
412    if len(df.index) == 1:
413        axes = np.array([axes])
414    for i, (a, ax) in enumerate(zip(df.index, axes.tolist())):
415        plot_labels_on_benchmarks_hardness_space(
416            experiment_folder,
417            label_f=lambda x: None,
418            color_f=lambda x: color_map(
419                df_numerical.loc[a, _get_index(x)] / df_numerical.loc[a].max()
420            ),
421            text_f=lambda x: f"{_get_index(x)[0].replace('MiniGrid', 'MG-')} "
422            f"({(_get_index(x)[1].replace('prms_', ''))})",
423            # text_f=lambda x: "",
424            ax=ax,
425            fontsize=fontsize,
426            text_label_fontsize=text_label_fontsize,
427            underneath_x_label=f"({ascii_lowercase[i]}) {a[0]}",
428        )
429        # ax.set_title(
430        #     f"({ascii_lowercase[i]}) {a[0]}",
431        #     fontdict=dict(legend_fontsize=legend_fontsize + 4),
432        #     indicator=-0.28,
433        # )
435    plt.tight_layout()
437    if savefig_folder is not None:
438        os.makedirs(savefig_folder, exist_ok=True)
439        exp_name = os.path.basename(os.path.dirname(ensure_folder(experiment_folder)))
440        plt.savefig(
441            f"{ensure_folder(savefig_folder)}{indicator}_in_hard_space_{exp_name}.pdf",
442            bbox_inches="tight",
443        )
446    return fig

for each agent config, it produces a plot that places the given indicator obtained by the agent config for each MDP config in the position corresponding to the diameter and value norm of the MDP.

  • experiment_folder (str): The path of the directory containing the experiment results.
  • indicator (str): is a string representing the performance indicator that is shown in the plot. Check MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators. By default, the 'normalized_cumulative_regret' is used.
  • fontsize (int): The font size for x and indicator labels. By default, it is set to \( 22 \).
  • cmap (str): The code name for the color map to be used when plotting the indicator values. By default, the 'Reds' color map is used.
  • fig_size (int): The size of the figures in the grid of plots. By default, it is set to \( 8 \).
  • text_label_fontsize (int): The font size for the text labels of the points. By default, it is set to \( 14 \).
  • savefig_folder (str): The folder where the figure will be saved. By default, the figure it is saved in a local folder with name 'tmp'. If the directory does not exist, it is created.
  • Figure: The matplotlib figure.
def group_by_mdp_individual_plot( experiment_folder: str, ax, measure: str, mdp_class_name: str, mdp_prms: str, available_agents: List[Tuple[str, str]], colors_dict_agents: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str], standard_error: bool = False, baselines={'random', 'optimal', 'worst'}):
449def group_by_mdp_individual_plot(
450    experiment_folder: str,
451    ax,
452    measure: str,
453    mdp_class_name: str,
454    mdp_prms: str,
455    available_agents: List[Tuple[str, str]],
456    colors_dict_agents: Dict[Tuple[str, str], str],
457    standard_error: bool = False,
458    baselines=MDPLoop.get_baselines(),
460    """
461    plots the measure for the given agents and experiment fold in the given axes.
463    Parameters
464    ----------
465    experiment_folder : str
466        is the folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
467    ax : plt.Axes
468        is where the plot will be shown.
469    measure : str
470        is a string representing the performance measure that is shown in the plot. Check
471        MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators.
472    mdp_prms : str
473        is a string that contains the mdp parameter gin config parameter, i.e. 'prms_0'.
474    mdp_class_name : str
475        is a string that contains the mdp class name.
476    available_agents : List[Tuple[str, str]]
477        is a list containing the agent gin config parameters and the agent class names.
478    colors_dict_agents : Dict[Tuple[str, str], str]
479        is a dict that assign to each agent gin config parameter and agent class name a different color.
480    """
481    mdp_code = mdp_prms + config.EXPERIMENT_SEPARATOR_PRMS + mdp_class_name
483    for available_agent in available_agents:
484        agent_code = (
485            available_agent[1] + config.EXPERIMENT_SEPARATOR_PRMS + available_agent[0]
486        )
487        agent_formatted_name = get_formatted_name(*available_agent)
488        df, n_seeds = get_logs_data(
489            experiment_folder, mdp_class_name, mdp_prms, *available_agent
490        )
492        for b in baselines:
493            y = measure.replace("cumulative_reward", "cumulative_expected_reward")
494            if b + "_" + y in MDPLoop.get_baseline_indicators():
495                sns.lineplot(
496                    x="steps",
497                    y=b + "_" + y,
498                    label=b.capitalize() + " agent",
499                    data=df,
500                    ax=ax,
501                    errorbar=None,
502                    color=MDPLoop.get_baselines_color_dict()[b],
503                    linestyle=MDPLoop.get_baselines_style_dict()[b],
504                    linewidth=2,
505                )
507        # We plot the baselines only once
508        baselines = []
510        add_time_exceed_sign_to_plot(
511            ax,
512            df,
513            colors_dict_agents[available_agent],
514            measure,
515            n_seeds,
516            experiment_folder,
517            mdp_code,
518            agent_code,
519        )
520        sns_ax = sns.lineplot(
521            x="steps",
522            y=measure,
523            label=agent_formatted_name,
524            data=df,
525            ax=ax,
526            errorbar="se" if standard_error else ("ci", 95),
527            color=colors_dict_agents[available_agent],
528        )
529        sns_ax.set_ylabel(" ".join(map(lambda x: x.capitalize(), measure.split("_"))))

plots the measure for the given agents and experiment fold in the given axes.

  • experiment_folder (str): is the folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
  • ax (plt.Axes): is where the plot will be shown.
  • measure (str): is a string representing the performance measure that is shown in the plot. Check MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators.
  • mdp_prms (str): is a string that contains the mdp parameter gin config parameter, i.e. 'prms_0'.
  • mdp_class_name (str): is a string that contains the mdp class name.
  • available_agents (List[Tuple[str, str]]): is a list containing the agent gin config parameters and the agent class names.
  • colors_dict_agents (Dict[Tuple[str, str], str]): is a dict that assign to each agent gin config parameter and agent class name a different color.