
  1import re
  2from typing import List, Tuple, Union
  4import numpy as np
  5import pandas as pd
  7from colosseum.analysis.utils import format_indicator_name, get_n_failed_interactions
  8from colosseum.analysis.utils import get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names
  9from colosseum.analysis.utils import get_formatted_name, get_logs_data
 10from colosseum.experiment.agent_mdp_interaction import MDPLoop
 11from colosseum.utils.formatter import clear_agent_mdp_class_name
 14def get_latex_table_of_average_indicator(
 15    experiment_folder: str,
 16    indicator: str,
 17    show_prm: bool = False,
 18    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps: bool = True,
 19    mdps_on_row: bool = True,
 20    print_table: bool = False,
 21    return_table: bool = False,
 22) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]]:
 23    r"""
 24    produces a latex table whose entries are the averages over the seeds of the indicator given in input for the
 25    results in the experiment folder.
 27    Parameters
 28    ----------
 29    experiment_folder : str
 30        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
 31    indicator : str
 32        The code name of the performance indicator that will be shown in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_indicators()` to
 33        get a list of the available indicators.
 34    show_prm : bool
 35        If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the agent/MDP class name. By default, it is not shown.
 36    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps : bool
 37        If True, the value of the indicator is divided by the total number of time steps of agent/MDP interaction. By
 38        default, it is divided.
 39    mdps_on_row : bool
 40        If True, MDPs are shown in the rows. If False, agents are shown on the row indices. By default, MDPs are shown
 41        on row indices.
 42    print_table : bool
 43        If True, the table is printed.
 44    return_table : bool
 45        If True, in addition to the string with the :math:`\LaTeX` table, the pd.DataFrame is also returned. By default,
 46        only the string with the :math:`\LaTeX` table is returned.
 48    Returns
 49    -------
 50    Union[str, Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]]
 51        The :math:`\LaTeX` table, and optionally the pd.DataFrame associated.
 52    """
 54    available_mdps, available_agents = get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names(
 55        experiment_folder
 56    )
 58    table = pd.DataFrame(
 59        columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("MDP", "")] + available_agents), dtype=str
 60    )
 61    agent_average_performance = {a: [] for a in available_agents}
 62    for i, (mdp_class_name, mdp_prm) in enumerate(available_mdps):
 63        row = [mdp_class_name]
 64        for k, (agent_class_name, agent_prm) in enumerate(available_agents):
 65            df, n_seeds = get_logs_data(
 66                experiment_folder,
 67                mdp_class_name,
 68                mdp_prm,
 69                agent_class_name,
 70                agent_prm,
 71            )
 72            values = df.loc[df.steps == df.steps.max(), indicator]
 73            if divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps:
 74                values /= df.steps.max() + 1
 75            row.append(f"${values.mean():.2f}\\pm{values.std():4.2f}$")
 76            agent_average_performance[agent_class_name, agent_prm].append(values.mean())
 77        if show_prm:
 78            row[0] = get_formatted_name(mdp_class_name, mdp_prm)
 80        scores = [float(re.findall(r"\$[0-9].[0-9]+", r)[0][1:]) for r in row[1:]]
 81        if "regret" in indicator or "steps_per_second" in indicator:
 82            best_scores = "$" + f"{(min(scores)):.2f}"
 83        elif "reward" in indicator:
 84            best_scores = "$" + f"{(max(scores)):.2f}"
 85        else:
 86            raise ValueError(f"I'm not sure whether min or max is best for {indicator}")
 87        for k in range(1, len(row)):
 88            row[k] = row[k].replace(best_scores, "$\\mathbf{" + best_scores[1:] + "}")
 90        row[0] = clear_agent_mdp_class_name(row[0])
 91        table.loc[len(table)] = row
 93    row = [r"\textit{Average}"]
 94    for c in table.columns[1:]:
 95        values = np.array(agent_average_performance[c])
 96        row.append(f"${values.mean():.2f}\\pm{values.std():4.2f}$")
 98    scores = [float(re.findall(r"\$[0-9].[0-9]+", r)[0][1:]) for r in row[1:]]
 99    if "regret" in indicator or "steps_per_second" in indicator:
100        best_scores = "$" + f"{(min(scores)):.2f}"
101    elif "reward" in indicator:
102        best_scores = "$" + f"{(max(scores)):.2f}"
103    else:
104        raise ValueError(f"I'm not sure whether min or max is best for {indicator}")
105    for k in range(1, len(row)):
106        row[k] = row[k].replace(best_scores, "$\\mathbf{" + best_scores[1:] + "}")
107    table.loc[len(table)] = row
109    table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
110        [(clear_agent_mdp_class_name(n), p) for n, p in table.columns.values]
111    )
112    table = table.set_index("MDP")
113    table_lat = table.copy()
114    if show_prm:
115        table_lat.index = [
116            c.replace(c.split(" ")[0], " " * len(c.split(" ")[0]))
117            if i > 0 and c.split(" ")[0] == table_lat.index[i - 1].split(" ")[0]
118            else c
119            for i, c in enumerate(table_lat.index)
120        ]
121    else:
122        table_lat.index = [
123            "" if i > 0 and c == table_lat.index[i - 1] else c
124            for i, c in enumerate(table_lat.index)
125        ]
127    if not mdps_on_row:
128        table = table.T
129        table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
130            [(clear_agent_mdp_class_name(n), p) for n, p in available_mdps]
131            + [(r"\textit{Average}", "")]
132        )
133        table_lat = table.copy()
134        table_lat.index = [
135            "" if i > 0 and c == table_lat.index[i - 1][0] else c
136            for i, (c, p) in enumerate(table_lat.index.values)
137        ]
138 = None
140    if print_table:
141        with pd.option_context(
142            "display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 500
143        ):
144            print(table)
146    table_lat = table_lat.to_latex(escape=False).replace(
147        r"\bottomrule", r"\arrayrulecolor{black!15}\midrule%"
148    )
149    if not show_prm:
150        table_lat = table_lat.split("\n")
151        table_lat.pop(3)
152        table_lat = "\n".join(table_lat)
154    # Add midrules between agents/mdps parameters
155    table_lat = table_lat.split("\n")
156    row_indices = (available_mdps if mdps_on_row else available_agents) + [
157        (r"\textit{Average}", "")
158    ]
159    for i, (c, p) in reversed(list(enumerate(row_indices))):
160        if i > 0 and c != row_indices[i - 1][0]:
161            table_lat.insert(
162                i + 4,
163                r"\arrayrulecolor{black!"
164                + f"{30 if 'Average' in row_indices[i][0] else 15}"
165                + "}\midrule%",
166            )
167    table_lat = "\n".join(table_lat).replace("{l}", "{c}").replace("MiniGrid", "MG-")
169    # Centering the columns with numbers
170    columns_labels = re.findall(r"\{l+\}", table_lat)[0]
171    table_lat = table_lat.replace(
172        "l" * (len(columns_labels) - 2), "l" + "c" * (len(columns_labels) - 3)
173    )
175    if return_table:
176        return table_lat, table
177    return table
180def get_latex_table_of_indicators(
181    experiment_folder: str,
182    indicators: List[str],
183    show_prm_agent: bool = False,
184    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps: bool = True,
185    print_table: bool = False,
186    show_prm_mdp=True,
187) -> str:
188    r"""
189    produces a latex table whose entries are the averages over the seeds of the indicator given in input for the
190    results in the experiment folder.
192    Parameters
193    ----------
194    experiment_folder : str
195        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
196    indicators : List[str]
197        The list of strings containing the performance indicators that will be shown in the plot. Check
198        `MDPLoop.get_indicators()` to get a list of the available indicators.
199    show_prm_agent : bool
200        If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the agent class name. By default, it is not shown.
201    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps : bool
202        If True, the value of the indicator is divided by the total number of time steps of agent/MDP interaction. By
203        default, it is divided.
204    print_table : bool
205        If True, the table is printed.
206    show_prm_mdp : bool
207        If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the MDP class name. By default, it is shown.
209    Returns
210    -------
211    str
212        The :math:`\LaTeX` table.
213    """
215    assert all(
216        ind in MDPLoop.get_indicators() for ind in indicators
217    ), f"I received an invalid indicator, the available indicators are: {MDPLoop.get_indicators()}"
219    available_mdps, available_agents = get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names(
220        experiment_folder
221    )
222    # available_agents.insert(0, available_agents[0])
224    table = pd.DataFrame(
225        columns=[
226            "MDP",
227            "Agent",
228            *map(format_indicator_name, indicators),
229            r"\# completed seeds",
230        ],
231        dtype=str,
232    )
233    for i, (mdp_class_name, mdp_prm) in enumerate(available_mdps):
234        for j, (agent_class_name, agent_prm) in enumerate(available_agents):
235            row = [mdp_class_name, agent_class_name]
237            df, n_seeds = get_logs_data(
238                experiment_folder,
239                mdp_class_name,
240                mdp_prm,
241                agent_class_name,
242                agent_prm,
243            )
245            if "Continuous" in agent_class_name:
246                df.normalized_cumulative_expected_reward = (
247                    df.steps.max()
248                    * (
249                        df.cumulative_expected_reward
250                        - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward
251                    )
252                    / (
253                        df.optimal_cumulative_expected_reward
254                        - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward
255                    )
256                )
257                df.normalized_cumulative_reward = (
258                    df.steps.max()
259                    * (df.cumulative_reward - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward)
260                    / (
261                        df.optimal_cumulative_expected_reward
262                        - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward
263                    )
264                )
266            df[np.isclose(df, 0)] = 0
268            values = df.loc[df.steps == df.steps.max(), indicators]
269            if divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps:
270                values /= df.steps.max() + 1
271            row += [f"${v.mean():.2f}\\pm{v.std():.2f}$" for v in values.values.T]
273            n_failed = get_n_failed_interactions(
274                experiment_folder,
275                mdp_class_name,
276                mdp_prm,
277                agent_class_name,
278                agent_prm,
279            )
280            row.append(f"${n_seeds - n_failed}/{n_seeds}$")
282            if show_prm_mdp:
283                row[0] = get_formatted_name(mdp_class_name, mdp_prm).replace(
284                    "MiniGrid", "MG-"
285                )
286            if show_prm_agent:
287                row[1] = get_formatted_name(agent_class_name, agent_prm)
288            row[0] = clear_agent_mdp_class_name(row[0])
289            row[1] = clear_agent_mdp_class_name(row[1])
290            table.loc[len(table)] = row
292    table.MDP = [
293        "" if i > 0 and c == table.MDP[i - 1] else c for i, c in enumerate(table.MDP)
294    ]
295    table.Agent = [
296        "" if i > 0 and c == table.Agent[i - 1] else c
297        for i, c in enumerate(table.Agent)
298    ]
299    table = table.set_index(["MDP", "Agent"])
301    if print_table:
302        with pd.option_context(
303            "display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 500
304        ):
305            print(table)
307    short_rule_indices = []
308    long_rule_indices = []
309    for i, (mdp_i, agent_i) in enumerate(table.index):
310        if i > 0 and agent_i != "" and agent_i != table.index[i - 1][1]:
311            if mdp_i == "":
312                short_rule_indices.append(i + 5)
313            else:
314                long_rule_indices.append(i + 5)
316    table_columns_len = len(table.columns)
317    table = table.to_latex(escape=False).split("\n")
318    for i in reversed(range(len(table))):
319        if i in long_rule_indices:
320            table.insert(
321                i,
322                r"\arrayrulecolor{black!15}\cmidrule{"
323                + f"1-{1 + table_columns_len}"
324                + "}",
325            )
326        elif i in short_rule_indices:
327            table.insert(
328                i,
329                r"\arrayrulecolor{black!15}\cmidrule{"
330                + f"2-{1 + table_columns_len}"
331                + "}",
332            )
333    return "\n".join(table)
def get_latex_table_of_average_indicator( experiment_folder: str, indicator: str, show_prm: bool = False, divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps: bool = True, mdps_on_row: bool = True, print_table: bool = False, return_table: bool = False) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, pandas.core.frame.DataFrame]]:
 15def get_latex_table_of_average_indicator(
 16    experiment_folder: str,
 17    indicator: str,
 18    show_prm: bool = False,
 19    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps: bool = True,
 20    mdps_on_row: bool = True,
 21    print_table: bool = False,
 22    return_table: bool = False,
 23) -> Union[str, Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]]:
 24    r"""
 25    produces a latex table whose entries are the averages over the seeds of the indicator given in input for the
 26    results in the experiment folder.
 28    Parameters
 29    ----------
 30    experiment_folder : str
 31        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
 32    indicator : str
 33        The code name of the performance indicator that will be shown in the plot. Check `MDPLoop.get_indicators()` to
 34        get a list of the available indicators.
 35    show_prm : bool
 36        If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the agent/MDP class name. By default, it is not shown.
 37    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps : bool
 38        If True, the value of the indicator is divided by the total number of time steps of agent/MDP interaction. By
 39        default, it is divided.
 40    mdps_on_row : bool
 41        If True, MDPs are shown in the rows. If False, agents are shown on the row indices. By default, MDPs are shown
 42        on row indices.
 43    print_table : bool
 44        If True, the table is printed.
 45    return_table : bool
 46        If True, in addition to the string with the :math:`\LaTeX` table, the pd.DataFrame is also returned. By default,
 47        only the string with the :math:`\LaTeX` table is returned.
 49    Returns
 50    -------
 51    Union[str, Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]]
 52        The :math:`\LaTeX` table, and optionally the pd.DataFrame associated.
 53    """
 55    available_mdps, available_agents = get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names(
 56        experiment_folder
 57    )
 59    table = pd.DataFrame(
 60        columns=pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples([("MDP", "")] + available_agents), dtype=str
 61    )
 62    agent_average_performance = {a: [] for a in available_agents}
 63    for i, (mdp_class_name, mdp_prm) in enumerate(available_mdps):
 64        row = [mdp_class_name]
 65        for k, (agent_class_name, agent_prm) in enumerate(available_agents):
 66            df, n_seeds = get_logs_data(
 67                experiment_folder,
 68                mdp_class_name,
 69                mdp_prm,
 70                agent_class_name,
 71                agent_prm,
 72            )
 73            values = df.loc[df.steps == df.steps.max(), indicator]
 74            if divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps:
 75                values /= df.steps.max() + 1
 76            row.append(f"${values.mean():.2f}\\pm{values.std():4.2f}$")
 77            agent_average_performance[agent_class_name, agent_prm].append(values.mean())
 78        if show_prm:
 79            row[0] = get_formatted_name(mdp_class_name, mdp_prm)
 81        scores = [float(re.findall(r"\$[0-9].[0-9]+", r)[0][1:]) for r in row[1:]]
 82        if "regret" in indicator or "steps_per_second" in indicator:
 83            best_scores = "$" + f"{(min(scores)):.2f}"
 84        elif "reward" in indicator:
 85            best_scores = "$" + f"{(max(scores)):.2f}"
 86        else:
 87            raise ValueError(f"I'm not sure whether min or max is best for {indicator}")
 88        for k in range(1, len(row)):
 89            row[k] = row[k].replace(best_scores, "$\\mathbf{" + best_scores[1:] + "}")
 91        row[0] = clear_agent_mdp_class_name(row[0])
 92        table.loc[len(table)] = row
 94    row = [r"\textit{Average}"]
 95    for c in table.columns[1:]:
 96        values = np.array(agent_average_performance[c])
 97        row.append(f"${values.mean():.2f}\\pm{values.std():4.2f}$")
 99    scores = [float(re.findall(r"\$[0-9].[0-9]+", r)[0][1:]) for r in row[1:]]
100    if "regret" in indicator or "steps_per_second" in indicator:
101        best_scores = "$" + f"{(min(scores)):.2f}"
102    elif "reward" in indicator:
103        best_scores = "$" + f"{(max(scores)):.2f}"
104    else:
105        raise ValueError(f"I'm not sure whether min or max is best for {indicator}")
106    for k in range(1, len(row)):
107        row[k] = row[k].replace(best_scores, "$\\mathbf{" + best_scores[1:] + "}")
108    table.loc[len(table)] = row
110    table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
111        [(clear_agent_mdp_class_name(n), p) for n, p in table.columns.values]
112    )
113    table = table.set_index("MDP")
114    table_lat = table.copy()
115    if show_prm:
116        table_lat.index = [
117            c.replace(c.split(" ")[0], " " * len(c.split(" ")[0]))
118            if i > 0 and c.split(" ")[0] == table_lat.index[i - 1].split(" ")[0]
119            else c
120            for i, c in enumerate(table_lat.index)
121        ]
122    else:
123        table_lat.index = [
124            "" if i > 0 and c == table_lat.index[i - 1] else c
125            for i, c in enumerate(table_lat.index)
126        ]
128    if not mdps_on_row:
129        table = table.T
130        table.columns = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(
131            [(clear_agent_mdp_class_name(n), p) for n, p in available_mdps]
132            + [(r"\textit{Average}", "")]
133        )
134        table_lat = table.copy()
135        table_lat.index = [
136            "" if i > 0 and c == table_lat.index[i - 1][0] else c
137            for i, (c, p) in enumerate(table_lat.index.values)
138        ]
139 = None
141    if print_table:
142        with pd.option_context(
143            "display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 500
144        ):
145            print(table)
147    table_lat = table_lat.to_latex(escape=False).replace(
148        r"\bottomrule", r"\arrayrulecolor{black!15}\midrule%"
149    )
150    if not show_prm:
151        table_lat = table_lat.split("\n")
152        table_lat.pop(3)
153        table_lat = "\n".join(table_lat)
155    # Add midrules between agents/mdps parameters
156    table_lat = table_lat.split("\n")
157    row_indices = (available_mdps if mdps_on_row else available_agents) + [
158        (r"\textit{Average}", "")
159    ]
160    for i, (c, p) in reversed(list(enumerate(row_indices))):
161        if i > 0 and c != row_indices[i - 1][0]:
162            table_lat.insert(
163                i + 4,
164                r"\arrayrulecolor{black!"
165                + f"{30 if 'Average' in row_indices[i][0] else 15}"
166                + "}\midrule%",
167            )
168    table_lat = "\n".join(table_lat).replace("{l}", "{c}").replace("MiniGrid", "MG-")
170    # Centering the columns with numbers
171    columns_labels = re.findall(r"\{l+\}", table_lat)[0]
172    table_lat = table_lat.replace(
173        "l" * (len(columns_labels) - 2), "l" + "c" * (len(columns_labels) - 3)
174    )
176    if return_table:
177        return table_lat, table
178    return table

produces a latex table whose entries are the averages over the seeds of the indicator given in input for the results in the experiment folder.

  • experiment_folder (str): The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
  • indicator (str): The code name of the performance indicator that will be shown in the plot. Check MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators.
  • show_prm (bool): If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the agent/MDP class name. By default, it is not shown.
  • divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps (bool): If True, the value of the indicator is divided by the total number of time steps of agent/MDP interaction. By default, it is divided.
  • mdps_on_row (bool): If True, MDPs are shown in the rows. If False, agents are shown on the row indices. By default, MDPs are shown on row indices.
  • print_table (bool): If True, the table is printed.
  • return_table (bool): If True, in addition to the string with the \( \LaTeX \) table, the pd.DataFrame is also returned. By default, only the string with the \( \LaTeX \) table is returned.
  • Union[str, Tuple[str, pd.DataFrame]]: The \( \LaTeX \) table, and optionally the pd.DataFrame associated.
def get_latex_table_of_indicators( experiment_folder: str, indicators: List[str], show_prm_agent: bool = False, divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps: bool = True, print_table: bool = False, show_prm_mdp=True) -> str:
181def get_latex_table_of_indicators(
182    experiment_folder: str,
183    indicators: List[str],
184    show_prm_agent: bool = False,
185    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps: bool = True,
186    print_table: bool = False,
187    show_prm_mdp=True,
188) -> str:
189    r"""
190    produces a latex table whose entries are the averages over the seeds of the indicator given in input for the
191    results in the experiment folder.
193    Parameters
194    ----------
195    experiment_folder : str
196        The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
197    indicators : List[str]
198        The list of strings containing the performance indicators that will be shown in the plot. Check
199        `MDPLoop.get_indicators()` to get a list of the available indicators.
200    show_prm_agent : bool
201        If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the agent class name. By default, it is not shown.
202    divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps : bool
203        If True, the value of the indicator is divided by the total number of time steps of agent/MDP interaction. By
204        default, it is divided.
205    print_table : bool
206        If True, the table is printed.
207    show_prm_mdp : bool
208        If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the MDP class name. By default, it is shown.
210    Returns
211    -------
212    str
213        The :math:`\LaTeX` table.
214    """
216    assert all(
217        ind in MDPLoop.get_indicators() for ind in indicators
218    ), f"I received an invalid indicator, the available indicators are: {MDPLoop.get_indicators()}"
220    available_mdps, available_agents = get_available_mdps_agents_prms_and_names(
221        experiment_folder
222    )
223    # available_agents.insert(0, available_agents[0])
225    table = pd.DataFrame(
226        columns=[
227            "MDP",
228            "Agent",
229            *map(format_indicator_name, indicators),
230            r"\# completed seeds",
231        ],
232        dtype=str,
233    )
234    for i, (mdp_class_name, mdp_prm) in enumerate(available_mdps):
235        for j, (agent_class_name, agent_prm) in enumerate(available_agents):
236            row = [mdp_class_name, agent_class_name]
238            df, n_seeds = get_logs_data(
239                experiment_folder,
240                mdp_class_name,
241                mdp_prm,
242                agent_class_name,
243                agent_prm,
244            )
246            if "Continuous" in agent_class_name:
247                df.normalized_cumulative_expected_reward = (
248                    df.steps.max()
249                    * (
250                        df.cumulative_expected_reward
251                        - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward
252                    )
253                    / (
254                        df.optimal_cumulative_expected_reward
255                        - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward
256                    )
257                )
258                df.normalized_cumulative_reward = (
259                    df.steps.max()
260                    * (df.cumulative_reward - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward)
261                    / (
262                        df.optimal_cumulative_expected_reward
263                        - df.worst_cumulative_expected_reward
264                    )
265                )
267            df[np.isclose(df, 0)] = 0
269            values = df.loc[df.steps == df.steps.max(), indicators]
270            if divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps:
271                values /= df.steps.max() + 1
272            row += [f"${v.mean():.2f}\\pm{v.std():.2f}$" for v in values.values.T]
274            n_failed = get_n_failed_interactions(
275                experiment_folder,
276                mdp_class_name,
277                mdp_prm,
278                agent_class_name,
279                agent_prm,
280            )
281            row.append(f"${n_seeds - n_failed}/{n_seeds}$")
283            if show_prm_mdp:
284                row[0] = get_formatted_name(mdp_class_name, mdp_prm).replace(
285                    "MiniGrid", "MG-"
286                )
287            if show_prm_agent:
288                row[1] = get_formatted_name(agent_class_name, agent_prm)
289            row[0] = clear_agent_mdp_class_name(row[0])
290            row[1] = clear_agent_mdp_class_name(row[1])
291            table.loc[len(table)] = row
293    table.MDP = [
294        "" if i > 0 and c == table.MDP[i - 1] else c for i, c in enumerate(table.MDP)
295    ]
296    table.Agent = [
297        "" if i > 0 and c == table.Agent[i - 1] else c
298        for i, c in enumerate(table.Agent)
299    ]
300    table = table.set_index(["MDP", "Agent"])
302    if print_table:
303        with pd.option_context(
304            "display.max_rows", None, "display.max_columns", None, "display.width", 500
305        ):
306            print(table)
308    short_rule_indices = []
309    long_rule_indices = []
310    for i, (mdp_i, agent_i) in enumerate(table.index):
311        if i > 0 and agent_i != "" and agent_i != table.index[i - 1][1]:
312            if mdp_i == "":
313                short_rule_indices.append(i + 5)
314            else:
315                long_rule_indices.append(i + 5)
317    table_columns_len = len(table.columns)
318    table = table.to_latex(escape=False).split("\n")
319    for i in reversed(range(len(table))):
320        if i in long_rule_indices:
321            table.insert(
322                i,
323                r"\arrayrulecolor{black!15}\cmidrule{"
324                + f"1-{1 + table_columns_len}"
325                + "}",
326            )
327        elif i in short_rule_indices:
328            table.insert(
329                i,
330                r"\arrayrulecolor{black!15}\cmidrule{"
331                + f"2-{1 + table_columns_len}"
332                + "}",
333            )
334    return "\n".join(table)

produces a latex table whose entries are the averages over the seeds of the indicator given in input for the results in the experiment folder.

  • experiment_folder (str): The folder that contains the experiment logs, MDP configurations and agent configurations.
  • indicators (List[str]): The list of strings containing the performance indicators that will be shown in the plot. Check MDPLoop.get_indicators() to get a list of the available indicators.
  • show_prm_agent (bool): If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the agent class name. By default, it is not shown.
  • divide_by_total_number_of_time_steps (bool): If True, the value of the indicator is divided by the total number of time steps of agent/MDP interaction. By default, it is divided.
  • print_table (bool): If True, the table is printed.
  • show_prm_mdp (bool): If True, the gin parameter config index is shown next to the MDP class name. By default, it is shown.
  • str: The \( \LaTeX \) table.