Configure Colosseum#

\(\texttt{Colosseum}\) allows configuring global directories for the hyperparameters optimization and the benchmarking procedures, the settings regarding multiprocessing, and some other functionalities. The config module provide the configuring functions.

Configuring directories


As a running example, we assume that the goal is to run the tabular benchmark separately for some model-free and model-based agents. So we’ll create a main experiment folder called tabular and two sub-folders for the two types of agents.

main_experiments_folder = "tabular"

When we benchmark the model-free agents, we set the name of the experiment as model-free and communicate it to \(\texttt{Colosseum}\).

current_experiment_folder_name = "model_free"

# Set the experiment folder and the related hyperoptimization folder
config.set_experiments_folder(main_experiments_folder, current_experiment_folder_name)
config.set_hyperopt_folder(main_experiments_folder, current_experiment_folder_name)

# Show the folder structure for the benchmarking results and for the hyperparameters optimizations results
print("Model-free experiment folder: ", config.get_experiments_folder())
print("Model-free hyperoptimization folder", config.get_hyperopt_folder())

# Code for benchamrking the model-free agents goes here
Model-free experiment folder:  tabular/benchmarking/model_free/
Model-free hyperoptimization folder tabular/hyperopt/model_free/

When instead we benchmark the model-based agents, we set the name of the experiment as model-based and similarly communicate it to the package.

current_experiment_folder_name = "model_based"

# Set the experiment folder and the related hyperoptimization folder
config.set_experiments_folder(main_experiments_folder, current_experiment_folder_name)
config.set_hyperopt_folder(main_experiments_folder, current_experiment_folder_name)

# Show the folder structure for the benchmarking results and for the hyperparameters optimizations results
print("Model-based experiment folder: ", config.get_experiments_folder())
print("Model-based hyperoptimization folder", config.get_hyperopt_folder())

# Code for benchmarking the model-based agents goes here
Model-based experiment folder:  tabular/benchmarking/model_based/
Model-based hyperoptimization folder tabular/hyperopt/model_based/

Hardness analysis

The package includes cached values of the hardness measures for the benchmark environments and automatically caches the values for new environments locally by creating a copy of the cached folder from the package.

print("Default hardness measures cache folder: ", config.get_hardness_measures_cache_folder())

# If you prefer, you can set a different folder path
print("Custom hardness measures cache folder: ", config.get_hardness_measures_cache_folder())
Default hardness measures cache folder:  cached_hardness_measures/
Custom hardness measures cache folder:  my_cached_hardness_measures_folder/


\(\texttt{Colosseum}\) can provide verbose logging for the agent/MDP interaction, computing the hardness measures, and some time-consuming visualizations. Note that verbosity is turned off by default.

# Enable verbosity
# Disable verbosity


\(\texttt{Colosseum}\) can leverage multiple cores for benchmarking agents and computing hardness measures. Note that multiprocessing is turned off by default.

When multiprocessing is enabled, \(\texttt{Colosseum}\) sets the number of available cores to the total number of cores available minus two.

print("Number of cores available to the package: ", config.get_available_cores())
Number of cores available to the package:  30

However, it is possible to manually set the number of cores the package will use.

print("Number of cores available to the package: ", config.get_available_cores())
Number of cores available to the package:  5

Once multiprocessing has been enabled, it can be disabled.

# Disable multiprocessing
print("Number of cores available to the package: ", config.get_available_cores())
Number of cores available to the package:  1